Jimmy Buffet’s playing on my center console dash. My live well is buzzing and waiting for the day’s catch. Beverages are chilled, and my lines are ready.
This is the ultimate dream and the reason why most of us fish. We relax. We enjoy the sport.
We love the smell of petrol as we dash a few miles offshore with our best friend – our fishing boat.
Gone are the days where that blasphemous phrase, “The two best days in my life were the day I bought my boat and the day I sold my boat,” apply to anyone that loves and appreciates the open water.
Today’s sport fishing boats are investments in our lives. They are investments in our mental well-being. They are investments in our family time and our hobbies. They have the ability to bring together what the everyday grind can sometimes bring apart. Almost 12 million Americans own a boat, but I can guarantee that on a beautiful day 100% of people want to own a boat.
Let’s chat about some of the newest features that sport fishing boats are bringing to the waters.
Sport Fishing Boats To Get Your Bass In Gear
Does anyone remember the old fishing boats made out of metal? You could hear the water hitting the bottom of the boat when anchored. It was a beautiful sound.
Some of the biggest issues with those older boats, though, were decking and engines. If you ever stepped foot aboard without shoes, you ran the chance of getting 1st-degree burns on the bottoms of your feet. If you went too far and you had engine trouble, you had a long wait ahead of you.
Today’s boats, though, seem to have thought about every best and worst case scenario in their designs.
Take the Grady White, for instance. If an act of God split your boat in half, you would still be able to float, and fish, topside up. Both sides float.
Here are some of the most impressive improvements and/or additions to the sport fishing boat market.
No longer do we have to line our decks with towels or keep shoes on while relaxing and fishing on our boats! Decking has made huge strides in both appearance and function.
Remember those aluminum boats that we reminisced about earlier? Our feet would be destroyed even before we motored away from the dock.
Not anymore.
In efforts to make sport fishing boats safer, more comfortable, and more colorful – new age non-skid EVA foam decks are becoming a must-have. That’s a lot of words to describe a deck. Let me translate.
This is a type of installed cushioning that helps chase away fatigue and muscle soreness to allow us to comfortably fish for longer. It’s like Dr. Scholls for our deck.
Companies such as OceanGrip and SeaDek are working with boat manufacturers, as well as after-market companies, to outfit hauls with decking that provides comfort and function.
You don’t want to spend hours on your boat without this addition to your hull.
The Cockpit
A chair, a throttle, and some cup holders. That’s what we used to need on our fishing trips.
Not anymore.
There are three major things that new sport fishing boats are bringing to their anglers: the chair, the storage, and the live well.
First things first: the chair.
Without a quality fighting chair or rocket launcher, your day will seem frustrating. We can’t just bring some lawn chairs to set up on our deck and think we’ll be ready for a great day at sea.
The fighting chair needs to be well-secured, well-cushioned, and offer a quality turn radius to move while we reel. Without this integral part of our fishing adventures, we’re gonna need a whole lot of Tylenol at the end of the day.
Let’s talk storage.
We need a place for our gear, our bait, our catches, our beverages, and the rest of the essentials we bring on our days at sea. Catching behemoths can’t happen with a simple rod and reel. We need an entourage of stuff, and we need to properly store that stuff.
New sport fishing boats are outfitting their hulls with ample storage. Rod lockers in the flooring, gunnel storage galore, drawers for tackle, decking compartments, and all kinds of other spaces to keep stuff out of the way but still easily accessible, are becoming standard features.
And the piece de resistance…the live well.
If we’re gonna do some serious fishing, we’ve gotta have some live bait.
Although many live wells and transom fix boxes are encased in the usual fiberglass top cover, a new trend is moving towards glass tops. This way, anglers can check on their bait and make sure it’s still swimming. Also, these glass tops allow for us to see how the pump’s working.
Multiple-pump live wells are taking over the single-pump options, as well as below deck manifolds that supply the water. No one wants to risk a leak onboard while in the middle of a large body of water.
These new systems offer a type of checks and balances for water pressure, capacity, and filtration. To say these systems are worth their weight in gold is an understatement. Just think of the difference between a fishbowl and a 100-gallon fish tank.
Ah yes, the tech to find the tuna.
There is so much to talk about, but I’ll keep it to the newest and most popular technology that’s outfitting new sport fishing boats.
The fish finder. How did we exist in a world without it?
These used to be aftermarket additions that we could purchase and bring along with us. Nowadays, fish finders and depth finders are becoming standard built-ins aboard sport fishing boats.
These digital radars are great for tracking the perfect fishing spot. Not only can you see the fish mulling about, but you can see the reef and shipwreck outlines – some quality hot spots for finding some quality fish.
Another piece of technology that sport fishing boats come equipped with – the electric downrigger.
If you’re angler that truly means business when you head out for a day on the water, then the electric downrigger is a must have. Not only does the electric version of this fishing buddy assist, but it also provides a level of safety.
Manual downriggers require the help of someone else. However, if you’re fishing alone or you’re miles offshore with one other person, manual downriggers are not usually a safe option. Someone’s gotta watch the helm.
Inboard vs. outboard. It’s almost like picking your political position.
Many sport fishing boats operate multi-engine setups. I know I feel giddy when I see 3 Yamaha 300 HP engines attached to the back of a fishing boat being trailered down the road. However, that’s not the case for all fishing boats.
Some of the bigger fishing boats that should more aptly be named fishing yachts employ inboard motors that can comfortably cut through waters when heading out a few miles offshore.
Both engines, though, are beginning to offer Automatic Positioning Systems. Hailed as virtual anchor functions, the goal is to keep your boat in the same spot without needing to drop anchor.
An APS can easily, and quietly, keep your boat in position without having to worry as much about tide or wind changes.
Bottom line – it’s a pretty sweet addition to any engine.
Whether you’re going freshwater fishing or you’re heading out to tame the high seas with offshore fishing, there are some great hulls to choose from.
Are you looking for the river or lake monsters? You’re probably wanting to go more toward the aluminum boat route.
Known for its durability, toughness, competitive price point, customizability, and easier maintenance – the aluminum boat has quite a bit to offer the freshwater angler. With the right hull and engine, aluminum boats could begin to give fiberglass boat hulls a bit more competition in the saltwater market, soon.
Most offshore vessels have gone the way of the fiberglass over the past few decades. This durable material can create a much smoother ride, especially if the seas are angry. Also, fiberglass can create a more polished look.
Fishing for Answers
There are fleets of new sport fishing boats flooding the market. Each offering features and options that could lure any angler.
With technology, modern conveniences, comfort, and safety as the center of design – dropping a line, drinking a cold beverage, and waiting for a bite is way more relaxing in these boats.
Trying to pick the perfect boat, though, can get confusing and overwhelming. Your best bet is to ask an expert that can help you navigate the different boat options.
There’s a motor to fit every lifestyle and a boat to fit every fishing adventure. Let us help outfit your fishing fashions.
Yamaha. Mercury. Evinrude. We’ll find the right horsepower to get you to your greatest catch.
Don’t forget to check out some great Lund incentives, or track some summer savings on a new or used boat.
Now’s the perfect time to see the Westshore Advantage of living the ultimate marine lifestyle.