Anglers across the nation love indulging in their favorite hobby for a variety of reasons. After all, few things compare to the thrill or relaxation of heading to your favorite fishing spot and spending the day in nature. In some cases, you might be interested in bringing people with you on your next fishing excursion.
Convincing other people to come fishing with you can be tricky if they haven’t experienced this activity before. The good news is that you can create a convincing argument to help them come around and accompany you on your next fishing excursion.
In this guide, we will go over 10 reasons fishing is an excellent activity to help you convince even the most stubborn people to give fishing a shot. So let’s set off!
Getting to Experience the Outdoors
Far too many people spend their lives cooped up indoors. If they’re not relaxing or performing chores at home, they’re at the office toiling away. Now there’s nothing wrong with spending time indoors. After all, we humans have an innate need to reside in shelters. However, spending too much time indoors can take its toll.
People who live this way tend to feel sluggish or even depressed after spending day after day going from one building to the next. For this reason, it’s good to get out once in a while. Going for a stroll through the park can be nice, but going fishing can feel far more rejuvenating.
Getting on a boat and hitting the open water holds a thrill of its own. It allows you to feel the vastness of the world around you and reminds you that there is far more to life than your 9 to 5 or Netflix. A day-long fishing excursion could be just the thing you need to feel young and fresh. So consider Googling the best fishing spots in your area, renting a boat, and setting off for a day or fun and excitement.
Being Healthier
People often assume fishing is about sitting around for hours and waiting for something to bite. While this is partially true, most people don’t realize the full body workout you get from casting and reeling in your line. The tug of war between you and a prized fish that’s trying it’s best to get away can be incredibly intense. Most anglers would agree that their countless battles with fish have helped them tone their muscles.
Fishing is also a great way to take in some fresh air. This can be important if you live in a congested urban area with lots of pollution. You can also get some much needed Vitamin D as a bonus from being under the sun.
For these reasons, fishing regularly promotes a healthier way of life that will benefit you in the long run. So consider these points the next time someone refers to fishing as a lazy person’s activity.
Being Able to Relax
Fishing can be an incredibly relaxing activity when you’re waiting for something to bite. Many people enjoy the serene feeling of kicking back on a boat with their favorite drink and listening to the calming sounds of the water sloshing against their boat’s sides.
Relaxation plays an important role in staying healthy. A day of unwinding on the water helps you destress and can even keep health problems such as hypertension at bay. This will leave you feeling recharged and ready to take on life’s responsibilities once you head back home.
For this reason, you can think of a fishing trip as a mini-vacation. One that is easy to take and leaves you feeling refreshed.
Bonding With Others
Fishing can be a great way to bond with others. If you frequent a particular fishing spot along the shore, chances are that you will run into other fishing enthusiasts. Many people strike up friendships by meeting others in this manner. If you’re lucky, you might even make a fishing buddy for life.
Going fishing with friends and family is also useful if you want to know your loved ones and peers better. After all, there is little to do on the boat once you’re out in the water. You can spend this time helping others with their fishing technique and showing off your skills. This gives you a chance to demonstrate what you’re good at and change people’s perception about you.
Eating Healthier
Fishing is similar to hunting in that you get to eat whatever you catch. This gives you an incentive to keep at it and save money on your next meal. However, the benefits of eating fish go far beyond this.
Fish is believed to be one of the healthiest types of meat out there. This is because fish meat is packed full of omega-3 fatty acids, and Vitamin B2, and Vitamin D. It is also rich in minerals such as zinc, iodine, and iron. While you probably shouldn’t eat fish everyday due to the high mercury levels in some wild fish species, eating what you have caught during your weekly fishing trips offers more health benefits than harm.
Learning Valuable Survival Skills
Fishing is one of the oldest practices in the world. Anyone that knows how to fish will never starve. This makes it a vital survival skill that everyone should know.
Most people struggle to catch anything the first time they fish. However, it is possible to get relatively good at it with a bit of practice. Over time, you will learn different techniques to help you attract and catch different types of fish.
Such skills are invaluable if you happen to find yourself in a survival situation. Knowing the ins and outs of fishing enables you to improvise and find the best ways to catch fish using the limited resources available to you.
Recreation for Kids
Fishing is also a great recreational activity for kids. Children love trying new things, and the excitement of being able to catch something from the water is sure to keep them occupied for hours. You can educate them on the different types of fishing lures you have as well as the different techniques you use to attract fish.
If you have kids or are fishing with someone who has kids, teaching them this activity is an excellent way to help them acquire some valuable skills that may help them in the future.
Making Use of Good Weather
A bright and sunny day should never be squandered indoors. After all, the existence of such days helps erase the memory of harsher winter cold weather days. Going fishing is the best excuse you can use to get out of the house and get a nice natural tan on such days.
So stock up on some essential fishing supplies, get together with your friends, and make some special memories doing what you love.
Exploring Your Region’s Wildlife
You don’t need to be a marine biologist to appreciate the diversity of fish in our lakes. Depending on where you are fishing, you may end up catching Chinook salmon, Walleye, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, Coho Salmon, and Largemouth Bass.
One of the most exciting aspects of fishing is waiting to find out what type of fish is at the end of the line. Who knows, you might end up catching a rare species or break your personal size record. The appeal of catching something interesting is enough to keep you hooked on this activity and push you to improve your skills.
Finding an Excuse to Travel
Canada is unique because it has thousands of freshwater lakes. In fact, our nation has more lakes than any other country in the world. This includes scenic lakes surrounded by breathtaking topography.
Many fishing enthusiasts enjoy travelling across the province and looking for special places to fish. This makes fishing a great activity that gives you an excuse to travel and explore the country.
Why Choose My Westshore
As you can see, there are ample reasons to take up fishing as a hobby. It might take you some time to get the right equipment, learn the best techniques, and finally catch something. However, you can expect to get hooked once you manage to pull this off. So consider going over the above list when you want to convince someone about the benefits of fishing.
If you’re interested in buying or renting a boat for your upcoming fishing excursions, consider checking the selection we offer over at My Westshore. We are always updating our inventory with new items and can help match you with the perfect boat for your needs. Please contact us if you need help with choosing a boat or if you want to learn more about fishing activities in the province.