Lund vs Smokercraft Boats: How Do They Stack Up?
Let’s say you recently moved somewhere with a beautiful lake nearby, just five minutes away.
Every day, you drive by, looking out at that sparkling blue water. You see people out on their boats having loads of fun.
You love to fish, and you decide you want to be one of those people out on the lake. When you get home, you tell yourself: it’s time to invest in a boat.
But you go online, and you see all these brand names and types of boats. What’s the best fishing boat out there? What brand name should I get? It’s certainly important, given that boats can get expensive fast!
You narrow it down to two. On one hand, you’ve got Lund; on the other, Smokercraft boats.
But you’re confused — what’s the real difference between these two boats?
That’s where we come in.
Grab a rod, and let’s talk about how Lund and Smokercraft fishing boats compare.
What Are Lund and Smokercraft Boats?
This is a valid question, after all!
Lund and Smokercraft are brand name boats. Just like car brands, the brand of boat you choose can have a big effect on how well your boat runs, how sturdy it is, and how long it lasts. Ideally, you want this big purchase to give you and your family lots of use.
This is why it’s important to weigh all of your options. Fortunately for you, we’ve compiled an extensive guide to these two brands to help you make the best choice for your fishing career.
When we looked at Lund and Smokercraft boats, we looked at three main things:
1) Durability of the boat
You need a boat that can handle the weather, any water that gets inside, and some snags here and there. You don’t want your dollars going to waste at the bottom of some lake. No one wants to be stranded due to some random part malfunctioning.
2) Price tag
This is a big one — it wouldn’t be great if your boat weren’t worth the money. We’ve probably all purchased something that didn’t live up to its cost. Because boats are so expensive, we want to give you the scoop on what’s worth the price.
3) Fishpower (Horsepower)
Like horsepower in a car, what’s under the surface of your boat matters a lot. We know the ability of your boat to perform is important. That’s why we tried to give you the best options we could find.
Without further ado, let’s get into it.
Durability: Can It Weather a Storm?
The first category we looked into was durability.
You need a boat that will not only stand up to harsh weather and rocky waves, but also to the test of time. Spending thousands on a boat just to have it break in a year is not our goal here.
Let’s compare.
The Lund brand, typically has a higher price tag, but comes with high-end build quality and performance.
Lunds command a higher price point, and the materials used to make them are higher quality as a result. They use high-quality 5052 H 34 aluminum, known for its strength and ability to be made into custom shapes.
These boats also use a fiberglass composite that gives a more lightweight yet still rugged exterior.
The boats are riveted as opposed to welded, making them more prone to leaks. However, Lund boats come with a lifetime warranty on their seams. Many people say that Lunds provide a drier, smoother ride than other boats.
Smokercraft boats are not mass-produced in a factory. This gives a more personal touch to them, with a more in-depth build process on each boat.
Each Smokercraft boat carries what they call a “Performance Hull System,” meaning that the hull of the boat reduces engine noise, buffeting due to waves, and gives an overall smooth ride. The Smokercraft’s unique build construction starting with a single piece for the bottom improves the boat’s handling.
Due to the customized nature of the boats, each part is placed for maximum performance. The engine, for example, is placed more centric in the boat, softening the ride.
While both boats have durable constructions, the Lund boat seems to provide higher-end materials with a higher build quality. On the other hand, the Smokercraft has a more individual construction, leading to a customized experience.
Price Tag: Will It Break the Bank?
The next category is the price tag of the boat.
This is a big investment, just like buying a house or a car.
Many people go back and forth about whether or not to buy or finance that boat, and we want to make that struggle easier on you. We’ve given some examples of boats at certain price points to compare what you receive versus what you pay.
The biggest obstacle in purchasing a Lund is the premium price point, though you are paying for quality and a variety of features.
These boats can range anywhere from a modest 5,000 dollars to a whopping 70,000, though do be aware — when you are paying for the higher price point, you’re getting features to go along with it.
Lund’s boats come equipped with features like SportTrak, a rod-mounting and storage system that is customizable based on your boating needs. Or consider the Prolong Plus, a storage and ventilation system for keeping your catches alive.
Premium items like these drive up the price of the boat. Many retailers offer financing options and quotes, but you are still paying a premium dollar amount.
Smokercraft boats are typically more affordable then their Lund counterparts.
Many models range from 2,000 dollars to upwards of 35,000, though it should be noted that there are premium models with luxury price points as well.
These boat features are a little stripped down compared to others. The boat itself is solid build quality, but lacks some of the newer bells and whistles of high priced boats.
Lund boats, at a luxury price, are the Cadillac or BMW of boats — they will invest a great deal of money, but their features speak to that price tag. Smokercraft boats are more affordable, but they don’t come with fancy new technology.
Fishpower: How Does It Run?
The last quality we looked at is what we’re calling “fishpower,” or the engine and how the boat runs on water.
When you’re out on the water, you don’t want an engine that’s going to sputter out. You want something that will power you through the water, cutting it like soft butter.
Fortunately, both boats run outboard motors. A big difference is that big and small outboard motors can fit the Lund and Smokercraft boats! Inboard motors are adapted from cars and other vehicles. They might be okay for light use, but a serious fisherman wants an outboard motor to get up and down rivers and lakes.
Both boats offer similar boat engines details, though it’s worth noting that the higher priced Lund boats can boast larger horsepower engines at the upper end.
If you’re looking for top of the line luxury, Lund seems to be a good choice. Smokercraft is the less feature-rich and more affordable option.
So What Boat Should I Get?
It’s a tough question to answer, really.
The thing you should ask yourself is:
What will I be doing?
Lunds offer premium features with a guaranteed high-end exterior. Though they are riveted, they come with a lifetime warranty, and they offer the modern convenience of a luxury boat. If you want the best money can buy, it looks like Lund’s options are a solid choice for any fisherman.
Smokercraft boats are certainly a more budget option, given their lack of features, but they still offer a solid build composition. You should definitely check the features to make sure it has the bare minimum for you, though. You’d hate to get out on the water and be lacking something very important.
Overall, if you’re picking a boat, you should try looking at:
What kind of boating will you be doing? How much power do you need? This is a primary part of boat-buying.
What kind of features will make or break a boat? Do you need modern technology and fish quality of life, or is something bare bones okay?
You don’t want to go bankrupt buying a boat. Make sure to look in many price ranges, and try getting a quote if necessary.
Lastly, check the boat’s reviews to see how it holds up. The last thing you want to do is dump money into a boat that won’t work for you or you will want to upgrade shortly after.
Still having trouble?
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What We Do
We are a boating and vehicle website dedicated to helping you find the best boat for you and your family.
We have a large selection of different boats (including Lund boats!) that we offer for competitive rates.
We’ll even help you finance them. We’re also a knowledge base for fishing, boating, and vehicle knowledge, so you don’t have to go out into boat buying empty handed.
Let us give you the wheel.