What to Consider When Choosing Your Winnipeg Evinrude Dealer
It’s finally time to climb into the Captain’s chair and rule the waves. First though, you’ve got to get the boat ready.
For that, you’re going to need to find a trusted Evinrude Dealer.
This is, after all, your boat that we’re talking about!
You can’t just do a quick search and hand it over to the first name that pops up. Whether you’re going to have someone work on the boat for you or if you’re just looking for quality parts, you’re going to need to make sure that you work with a dealer you can trust. That dealer should be dependable, respected, and reasonably priced.
In truth you don’t want a dealer – you want a partner. Someone who is going to be with you for the love of the waves, not just a quick sale.
Someone who will understand your needs and your craft. But how do you find the exact right person?
Making a Connection
it’s an age-old question: How do you find the right match?
Finding the right Evinrude Dealer is a process and, like many other processes you use to find a perfect match, you don’t want to rush it. (Trust me on this, my ex-wives will attest to that.)
Instead, you should take your time and do your homework. Ask questions, look at references, trust your instincts, listen to your friends.
First impressions do count. You don’t have to undergo this process alone, though.
Here are some tips to help you find the right Evinrude Dealer.
“I Pledge…”
When you’re considering a marine dealer of any kind, look to see if they are a member of the Marine Retailers Association (MRAA). If they’re not, you might want to thank them for their time and move on. If they are, that’s a good start.
To join the Marine Retailers Association, members have to agree to the Marine Industry Consumer Commitment. This “pledge,” which should be on display in their dealership, covers their Sales, Service, and Operations commitment to customers.
If you spot this hanging on the wall, it doesn’t mean that your search for an Evinrude Dealer is over, it just means that you’re on the right track. But you should keep investigating.
What Do They Say?
Check out our blog and other media outlets. Is this dealer something of a thought leader in the world of marine transportation?
Are they respected in the industry for what they have to say?
Do they publish information about a particular need you might have?
Follow the Money.
What are the prices for parts and service?
There may not be a right or wrong answer when it comes to using pricing to decide if “this is the one,” it’s just another bit of information to use to make your decision
Who Services Your Boat?
Ask other boat owners for a recommendation or their opinion of a particular dealer. Let’s be honest, everyone has an opinion, why not take advantage of that?
You can also ask your local Marina if they have a preferred dealer. If not, is there a name that they hear other boat owners continually mention?
What’s the Word on the Street? (Or the Water?)
Do your research. What does the Internet say about a particular dealer? Check out what people are saying on social media or do a search at the Better Business Bureau.
Location. Location. Location. Where Are They?
What’s the distance between the dealership and you? The dealership and the marina? The dealership and water?
If an Eskimo opened up an igloo shop in Arizona, you’d be a little suspicious, right? Same goes for a boat dealer that’s nowhere near the water.
Also, how close is the dealer to where your boat is? It might make for a more productive relationship if you and the dealer have easy access to each other.
Location doesn’t have to be a deal-breaker, but it certainly should factor into the conversation.
That Dealer is Not Just Good, They’re Certifiable!
As you’ve surely noticed, there are a lot of dealerships out there. To help consumers in their search for their perfect dealership, industry organizations and equipment manufacturers offer specific certifications to dealerships.
These certifications indicate a dealership’s level of proficiency in service for a particular brand or overall marine knowledge. If you know exactly what you want, say you’re looking for an Evinrude motor, you should probably start your dealership search with those that have received certification from Evinrude.
When you were younger, no matter how much information you had on hand, your mother was still there to tell you not to do something. And she was usually right. Why? Instincts.
Why? Instincts.
Make your mother happy and follow her lead. No matter how many positive things you might have heard about a dealership, if it doesn’t feel right, keep looking.
Consider it like this: you’re not looking for a store that you can pop into for a part. You’re looking to establish a partnership with a dealer. You want to have a person who you can consistently return to all season long, and then the season after season after that.
Finding the Perfect Watery Partner
When you consider all of your options, it’s easy to weed out the dealerships that are obviously bad choices for you and your boat. It’s a little more difficult to find the perfect match.
It’s a little more difficult to find the perfect match.
We’ve given you some tips that should make finding your perfect Evinrude Dealer a little easier. In the end, it might just come down to the intangibles – like how you feel when you walk through the dealership doors.
In the end, it might just come down to the intangibles – like how you feel when you walk through the dealership doors.
Don’t discount that feeling. Take it into consideration with everything else to make the choice that will help you enjoy sailing your own special seven seas all season long.
When it comes to an Evinrude Dealer, we know a thing or two about what makes a good one.
Westshore Marine and Leisure is one of the largest dealerships in Manitoba and the Prairies. We carry a wide range of marine equipment and are one of the only Tri-Line outboard motor dealers in Canada with a specialty in Eninrude motors.
We carry a wide range of marine equipment and are one of the only Tri-Line outboard motor dealers in Canada with a specialty in Eninrude motors.