10 Tips To Help You Buy A Fishing Boat
Every fisherman’s dream is to own their own fishing boat.
A boat allows you to travel the waters searching for fish without being confined to the edge of a pond or lake.
Buying your first fishing boat is an exciting time. You can’t wait to get your boat and put it on the water.
But making a larger purchase like a boat can also be a bit overwhelming.
Thankfully, we’re here to help. Read on to learn our ten tips to use when you are buy a fishing boat.
1. Decide which type of boat you’d like to buy
You know you want to buy a fishing boat. But there are several variations within that category that you need to take into account.
Freshwater fishing boats
If you’re going to be fishing on a pond or a lake, there are specific types of boats you can choose from. Certain boats are specialized. So if you’re fishing for a specific type of fish, you may want to look into those. There are other more generalized fishing boats on the market, as well.
These types include:
- Bass boats – If you’re fishing specifically for bass, this will be your choice. They are created with lower sides to reduce wind, and generally only big enough for two passengers.
- Cuddy cabin boats – Like their name suggests, these boats will have a cabin up front to protect you from the elements. This also means that your deck space will be more cramped for fishing. But these boats are perfect if you’re in a larger body of water.
- Side console boats – These types of boats will allow you to fish in almost any element. The sides are higher and depending on your budget, you can fit up to six or so fishermen.
Saltwater fishing boats
If you plan on fishing in the ocean, these are the types of boats available to you:
- Convertibles – These boats are great for offshore fishing. They provide you the space and speed needed for the type of water you’re in. While these are generally pricier, they are appropriate for full-time fishermen.
- Center console boats – The center console boat is also great for saltwater fishermen. You will experience more exposure to the elements, but these boats are often created with fishing in mind. Plus, they’re usually very high-powered to combat the sea.
- Bay boats – The bay boat is perfect if you’re interested in backwater fishing. They are sleek and slender. These boats are generally not fancy, but they will allow you to fish on the bay.
2. Get as much information as you can
As with anything, you should always do your research before you buy a fishing boat. With boats being a large purchase, you want to make sure that your investment is exactly what you want.
The internet is crawling with articles that will give you the information you’ll need.
And if you’re more old school, you can check out boating publications, brochures, and magazines that will give you an idea of the many options for you.
Looking to other fishermen is also a great source of information.
3. Remember your budget
When you buy a fishing boat, think of it as similar to purchasing a car. You should always have a set budget and look within those parameters. And if you require financing, you should also know the amount of money you have been approved for.
Other costs you should consider when purchasing a fishing boat:
- Extras – Just like buying a car, you may have the option for other loaded features.
- Maintenance – You should not only be concerned about the price of purchase, but the maintenance that a boat will require. Larger boats will require more maintenance and fuel.
- Insurance and registration – You will need to insure and register your fishing boat. So consider this when you’re looking at boats and their type. Certain types of boats may cost more in insurance.
- Storage – If you’re not able to store your boat on your own property, you’ll have to pay to store it either in the water or a storage facility.
4. Get an inspection
If you’re looking to buy a fishing boat that has already been used, you may want to do additional investigating. Make sure that you ask the seller questions about the previous uses for the boat, what types of water it has been on, and other historical information.
Not sure you’re confident enough to go alone? Make sure you bring an experienced friend or inspector along with you. Remember that this is an investment, you want to make sure you’re doing all the investigating you can with an inspection of the boat.
5. Check the warranties
There are usually warranties associated with your new purchase. You should know exactly how long the warranty is extended. You should also know what the warranty will cover should anything go amiss.
New boats will be different as far as warranty length, but generally they will have the same inclusions. And if you’re purchasing a used boat, you are able to purchase an extended warranty from the boat dealer.
6. Investigate the current value
Once you’ve decided on your new boat, check the blue book value of the boat. This will help you when you’re negotiating the price of your boat. This number will also be used to take into account the cost of a trade-in or an inspection.
There are also lots of guidelines that will help you find the market value of your boat or trade. Using the NADA Guide, you’ll be able to see all the blue book values of the boats you’re looking at.
Remember that there are many factors that are taken into consideration when determining the value of your boat.
7. Look into insurance costs and coverage
We’ve lightly touched on insurance. But there are some things to consider when purchasing insurance for your fishing boat. And while you may not need it, it’s best to keep your investment safe, as well as any passengers.
You may be surprised to learn that most homeowner’s insurance policies will cover parts of your boat. You should refer to your policy information to see the exact details.
If your new boat is not fully covered under your home insurance policy, there is additional boat insurance you can purchase. Many of these additional policies are relatively cheap.
When looking for insurance you should also take into consideration how far out you will be covered. Many policies will cover you within 100 or so miles from the coast in both Canada and the United States. This should be a crucial element as it will determine the areas you’re restricted to.
8. Take a test drive
When you decide to buy a fishing boat, you want to know how it feels on the water. And thankfully, you’re able to do just that.
Most dealers and sellers will allow you to take what is known as a “test drive.” This will allow you to take the boat on the water to make sure that it works properly for your needs.
At this point, you should also bring along a trusted friend or inspector. A second set of eyes is always a good thing.
9. Don’t overshop
You should definitely take your time on this purchase. It’s going to be a large investment that shouldn’t be done in haste. But there is something called “overshopping” that refers to a person taking the process too seriously.
Looking for long periods of time searching for the best bang for your buck may result in a loss. You will lose out on a great deal if you’re looking for the “perfect deal.” Remember that you may not always find the perfect deal, and you may have to negotiate price and features.
10. Get documentation
You should always leave a paper trail, no matter what you’re purchasing. And when you decide to buy a fishing boat, this is no different.
Once you’ve decided on the fishing boat you’d like to buy, you will need to have the proper documentation.
This documentation should include:
- Bill of sale
- Title
- Proof of payment
- Any maintenance records
You should also make sure that these documents are notarized. These documents will help you keep everything legal should any problems arise.
Some areas may have specific guidelines that need to be followed when selling and purchasing a boat. You should always check with your local government to ensure that you have all the necessary documentation.
Use these tips when you buy a fishing boat
When you buy a fishing boat, there’s a lot going through your mind including what to bring on your new boat. You’re excited and probably anxious to get your new boat on the water.
But try and push your excitement aside for a moment as you remember this is an investment. It can be easy to let your excitement get in the way of your purchase.
Using these tips will ensure that you’re taking the necessary steps to buy a fishing boat. They’ll also make the whole process a bit easier for you.
If you have questions, we’re here to help. Reach out to us at Westshore Marine and Leisure with all of your boating questions.