Best Fishing Boats: Fiberglass or Aluminum?
If you’re a new fisherman or looking to replace your boat, you may be wondering what the best fishing boats currently are on the market.
Fishing boats often seem to come down to two different choices: fiberglass and aluminum. While one is expensive and professional, aluminum boats are often given a bad name due to poor experiences in the past.
However, they do offer more affordable options. With current technology and design, aluminum boats certainly give fiberglass a run for their money when it comes to being the best fishing boats.
So how do you know which of these options will make the best fishing boats for you? As with any major purchase, figuring out what your options are and weighing them can be tiring and difficult.
Luckily, we’re here to help. As experts when it comes to power sports equipment, we’ve dug around and come up with a comprehensive guide regarding the best fishing boats for you and your practice.
Curious which one will make the best option for you? Read on for some info to help you make that big decision!
Aluminum or Fiberglass: what to choose?
When it gets down to it, the only way to pick the best fishing boats for your practice and lifestyle is to research the options. Just because one type offers certain pros doesn’t mean it’s going to be appropriate or practical for you personally.
We’re not here to convince you to pick one or the other. We’re here to lay the cards on the table and help you make the most educated decision regarding the best fishing boats out there.
Both fiberglass and aluminum fishing boats offer you their own set of benefits. They also give you an entirely different set of cons.
Tired of the talk and ready to get out on the water? Read on to find the quickest way to do so!
The most affordable fishing boats are classically made of aluminum, which have had one downside meaning that it hasn’t been one of the best fishing boats for sport.
However, competition and innovations in technology have changed the game for aluminum fishing boats. Aluminum boats have improved when it comes to design, and they’re definitely a viable option for both a new and veteran fisherman!
If you think of aluminum boats as those cheap boats with wooden decks made out of terrible parts, you’ll certainly be in for a treat when you’re shopping the latest offerings.
Materials have gotten better, and the sides of the boats have become better and smoother. If you’re looking for a quiet ride, aluminum boats now offer that.
Aluminum boats are also now typically made of better materials. Flotation is now balanced, and these boats can offer you more width. More width means more space, which equates to better stability and a riding surface that rivals even the best fishing boats.
While the aluminum boats of yore may not have been held to the highest specifications, market competition from brands such as Lund, G3, and Ranger have upped the game. Therefore, specifications have tightened up regarding what can and can’t be used to create aluminum boats.
Meanwhile, aluminum boats remain a great lightweight option for fishermen. The paint schemes also make this a long-term option, so you don’t have to worry about having to replace the boat due to overuse.
The great thing about aluminum boats are the various options available. Whether you want an inshore boat, or a hunting boat, or even a mid-range level boat, there’s an aluminum boat that suits your needs.
When you think of a professional-level boat and something that can stand up to the elements, the first thing that springs to mind is probably a fiberglass boat. Fiberglass boats have been something of an industry standard for awhile, making them one of the best fishing boats available.
While aluminum is lightweight, fiberglass makes up for that with durability. Fiberglass is flexible and strong and offers high-performance versatility.
This means that fiberglass can do things that aluminum just can’t. Fiberglass boats are often made out of resins made specifically for boats. Fiberglass can also endure high speeds while remaining stable.
One of the things about fiberglass that makes it a material for the best fishing boats is the way it holds up. Even after years of use, the water doesn’t beat it up.
If your fiberglass boat is properly sealed and painted, it can shine like new if cared for properly. Of course, to get this effect, you’ll need to know whether or not your sealant is porous or can be affected by dirt.
Regular cleaning followed up by a good sealer can keep your boat from wear and fading, meaning you’ll have a genuine keepsake on your hands.
While fiberglass options do tend to cost more, they also offer more options. You’ll have great storage for your tackle and fantastic rod boxes. Recent additions include ventilation systems.
If keeping up with latest trends and having top-notch materials is the bottom line for you, you’ll probably want to go with a fiberglass boat. Fiberglass creates the best fishing boats that will hold up after years of use and abuse.
Best Fishing Boats: Aluminum vs Fiberglass?
Aluminum Pros
- Robustness – aluminum has a tendency to bend under pressure. Fiberglass can break, causing expensive damage to your boat.
- Lightweight – not only can this make your boat easier to maneuver, but it’s less stress on your engine. Less stress on your engine means less maintenance in the long run.
- Affordable – Aluminum boats are the best fishing boats when it comes to affordability, simply because of (in part) the parts they’re made out of. If you’re in the market for your first boat, or you’re looking for something that won’t cost you an outrageous amount, an aluminum boat may be right up your alley.
Aluminum Cons
- Comfort – a downside to the lightweight note is that aluminum boats can be difficult to maneuver when conditions get choppy. This means your engine will be working more, and your ride may become noisy. However, there are quieter options available on the market today.
- Grounding – another downside to the lightweight nature of aluminum boats is that they may not feel as grounded during high-speed driving.
- Repairs – while it’s easy to bang out a few dents in an aluminum boat, anything more severe can be difficult and expensive to be fixed.
- Corrosion – just due to being aluminum, these boats are known to corrode in salt water environments. You’ll need to take extra precautions regarding your electrical equipment and connections.
- Temperature – aluminum is colder than fiberglass and other materials on average. This means they can be a little bit more prone to condensation.
Fiberglass Pros:
- Speed – fiberglass boats are a great option when it comes to speed. While aluminum boats have the downside of not feeling stable in the water due to their weight, the sleek design of fiberglass means that they’re easy to maneuver and do feel stable.
- Durability – fiberglass boats are the best fishing boats when it comes to durability. The materials are stronger, and with proper care, a fiberglass boat can look as good as new for years to come.
- Aesthetics – just from a looks standpoint, fiberglass boats may be some of the best fishing boats. Fiberglass’ flexibility allows it to be molded into sleek and fancy custom shapes. If you want your boat to be admired from afar, this may be the best option for you.
- Repairs – while aluminum can be tricky to get repaired beyond simple dents, fiberglass is easy to repair.
- Maintenance – Due to being stronger and a more professional option, fiberglass boats often don’t require as much maintenance. You don’t have to worry about the same things you do with aluminum boats, such as corrosion, but even then aluminum boats rarely corrode these days.
Fiberglass Cons:
- Flaws – while you’ll be able to distinguish flaws in an aluminum boat quickly, fiberglass flaws can be hidden easily on a fiberglass boat simply due to design. If there are bubbles in the hull, you may not know. However, this will still weaken the design at large.
- Osmosis – fiberglass is prone to absorbing water, which means that your boat can physically rot. More often than not, this is caused by factory error and hidden flaws and damage.
- Wood rot – if your fiberglass boat uses wood for reinforcement, it can be prone to rot when it gets wet. Repairing this can be expensive.
As with any other major purchase, your needs when it comes to the best fishing boats aren’t going to match someone else’s exactly. There are budget-friendly boats and feature-laden boats at all price points. What matters is that you’re true to your needs and desires.
While fiberglass boats are still the industry standard and what many fishermen aspire to, they may not be a practical option for you personally. If that’s the case, aluminum boats have improved drastically in the past few years. They’ve become some of the best fishing boats on the market today.
If you choose an aluminum or fiberglass fishing boat rest assured you will still have plenty of room to bring everything you need along with you on your adventures.
If you have any questions regarding the best fishing boats for your needs, feel free to contact us!