The Truth on Evinrude Outboards
Whatever your reasons for being in the market for an outboard motor, you are sure to find all the options out there overwhelming.
We’ve taken a look at the top things to consider when purchasing a new motor for your boat to see how Evinrude Outboards measures up.
Stop! Before you even start looking at a replacement outboard for your trusty old one or purchasing a shiny new model to match your new rig, you need to look at cost. Calculate the trade-in value of your old outboard and have a look at the financing options available to you before you even start.
Now, let’s see what Evinrude is bringing to the party when it comes to evinrude outboard motors.
2-stroke or 4-stroke?
One of the biggest debates in recreational boating is the 2-stroke vs 4-stroke argument. Evinrude makes this decision simple for you by only manufacturing 2-stroke engines.
If you are a fan of the slow-and-steady environmentally-friendly plusses associated with 4-strokes, never fear. The new Evinrude outboards are a far cry from the noisy, gas-guzzling 2-strokes of the past. The latest models include some of the lowest emission and highest power-to-weight ratios on the market today.
In a comparison test between the top 115hp outboard motors, Popular Mechanics found Evinrude to be the most economical 2-stroke engine fuel-wise. The 1.7-liter V4 used significantly less fuel than Mercury’s Optimax 2.5-liter V6 outboard at mid-range speed. Their fuel consumption was evenly matched at full throttle.
In this test, the 4-stroke Yamaha and Honda outboards maintained the advantage in fuel efficiency, burning 22% less fuel at full throttle. That said, the 2-strokes kicked butt when it came to acceleration, with Evinrude leading the pack.
Noise-wise, the 2-stroke outboards were as loud if not quieter than the 4-strokes.
What’s under the hood
The basic technology behind Evinrude outboards is based on maximizing the benefits of 2-stroke operation while improving its limitations.
Their answer to this is direct-injection aimed at increased fuel-efficiency and performance levels, based on their E-Tec model. This technology is now used on all Evinrude outboards, right down to 15hp.
Open up the casing of an Evinrude E-Tec and you will be surprised at how simple, elegant and organized it looks. The fuel-injection technology has fewer and smaller components than most engines.
The entire system hinges on the Lorentz coil, similar to that used in loudspeakers. This magnetic gadget is famous for its quick push-pull power and versatility of pulse direction. Basically, the coil sprays droplets directly onto the spark plug to ignite it, quickly and silently. It is unheard of for an Evinrude outboard not to start first-time, even in mid-winter.
Longevity and low maintenance are the motivation behind the E-Tec, with the following features –
- Double platinum tipped spark plugs
- Oversized water pump and gear case
- Pistons made from a NASA-developed alloy which is 3 times stronger than aluminum
- Bores honed for surface porosity to retain oil.
These last two elements make it unnecessary to ‘break-in’ an Evinrude engine. It comes off the factory floor ready to rumble.
The most recently unveiled model from the Evinrude stable is the E-TEC G2. This model is considered ‘the benchmark for outboard engines’ according to Alain Villemure, VP, and GM of BRP’s Marine Propulsion Systems division.
The G2 has advanced E-TEC technology to such a degree that it no longer has much in common with it, and is certain to be the mechanical standard introduced across their models.
We have yet to see what other manufacturers come up with to beat these impressive claims.
About Performance
The proof of the pudding may be in the tasting, but an outboard motor is judged by its performance. Fancy engines and long-winded technological terms are all very well, but you just want to get the most bang for your buck on the water.
Performance is very subjective, and a touchy topic, judging by the posts on boating forums. Your choice of an outboard motor should be based purely on what does the job when it comes to your needs. You don’t need the fastest 200hp engine to go fishing, but you don’t need the fastest boat on the water to go skiing either.
Some performance tests place Evinrude outboards on top, but Mercury, Honda, Yamaha and Suzuki all have their fans. We could go on and on with reams of stats and figures about performance but it is not as simple as just looking at paperwork.
Other factors, such as economy and weight should also be taken into consideration and should all be weighed up when measuring performance.
The facts are that Evinrude’s E-Tec produces 20 percent more torque at 15 percent better fuel economy when compared to 4-stroke outboards. On paper, this adds up to longer range and 15% more speed than the same size 4-stroke.
A good dealer will able to give you objective advice regarding performance suited to your needs.
Size Counts
The weight of an outboard motor is more than just a matter of convenient handling.
Your boat is designed to carry a specific weight limit. If you exceed that weight limit you are in serious trouble i.e. your boat could sink. It’s not rocket science.
With a lighter engine, you can get more hp while carrying less weight. This is particularly relevant when you want to operate your boat with twin engines. This is also where the design team at Evinrude streaks ahead, providing an excellent power to weight ratio.
When looking at a weight comparison chart, Evinrude almost always comes out lighter.
Environmental Impact
Let’s be honest, the last thing we are thinking about when we’re out on the water is our environmental impact. Fortunately, outboard manufacturing companies and environmental regulatory bodies have got that covered. You won’t be able to buy an outboard engine that doesn’t meet at least the minimum environmental requirements.
Where it can affect you directly is if you choose to purchase an older 2-stroke engine. Some places where you want to launch may not allow 2-stroke engines because of environmental concerns. Disregarding these regulations can lead to hefty fines and banning.
Despite their 2-stroke status, Evinrude outboards are marketed as the cleanest on the planet. They do have the distinction of being the first outboard manufacturers ever to receive the EPA’s Clean Air Technology Excellence Award.
Maintenance Costs
Another area in which Evinrude outboards has excelled in its new offerings it the maintenance aspect. Despite the higher cost of 2-stroke as opposed to 4-stroke oil, maintaining these engines works out at about 50% the cost of a 4-stroke engine.
Evinrude offers a minimum 3-year warranty on its products, with up to 5 years on the G2. The engines do not need to be run in and are designed for longevity and simplicity. The many extra moving parts on a 4-stroke engine automatically add up to more things that can go wrong and a longer service time.
The newer-model E-Tec have over 100 fewer parts than a conventional 4-stroke engine. That’s a lot less risk. There are no belts, camshafts, pulleys or valves to replace.
Of course, there will always be things that you have to do for any outboard engine such as adding fuel stabilizer when re-fueling, keeping an eye on the prop for dings and making sure no wire or fittings have come loose. Low maintenance doesn’t mean you can neglect the machine.
Come winter time, Evinrude outboards are quite content to do their time in the shed. The auto storage feature compensates for the lack of use by fogging itself automatically without a trip to the dealer.
As long as you have treated the fuel with stabilizer as a matter of routine, a simple extra turn of the ignition key seals the fuel system. This prevents oxygen from souring your fuel and causing havoc with the fuel lines.
You can put your boat to ‘sleep’ at any time and even haul it out effortlessly during a warm spell.
Evinrude Outboards’ Dealers
Going back to the test performed by Outdoor Mechanic, Evinrude, along with Mercury, boasted the most widespread network of dealers.
Based on the sophisticated nature of the servicing that your Evinrude outboard will require, you can’t rely on your local man-in-a-van to look after it. A reputable agent is vital to keep your motor running at its best, however infrequently it needs maintenance.
Looking good out on the water may be the least of your concerns, but assuming you have a wife, you better give it some thought. Evinrude outboards new modern design is really cool. Their robot-man looks and a range of 5 different colors and 15 different accent strip colors to choose from is impressive.
The built-in integrated steering system frees up space on your rear deck and neatens everything up in the rigging.
The appearance is also enhanced by moving away from the traditional bucket cowl, with a sleek composite exoskeleton and plastic paneling.
What is your experience with Evinrude outboards? Would you buy one? Leave your comments below. We can help you decide.