10 Reasons An Argo Amphibious Vehicle is Better Than a Snowmobile
Why The Argo Amphibious Vehicle Beats a Snowmobile
If you own a snowmobile, you know how fast – and fun – they are to ride. But if you’re looking for a vehicle you can use all year round, then you need to check out the Argo amphibious range.
The clue to their genius lies in the name. You can drive across a range of terrains and plunge right into the water if it gets in your way.
That multi-terrain capability certainly helped them to snag the attention of the Canadian Space Agency in 2008 to help designing lunar rovers.
So read on to learn 10 reasons why an Argo might give your snowmobile a run for its money.
1. An Argo amphibious vehicle is easy to operate
The transmission lever only points in two directions – forward and reverse. Choose your path and twist the throttle to get going.
Making a turn is simple with the skid-steer mechanism. If you turn right, the right-hand set of wheels stop. Since the left-hand wheels keep going, you pivot around and away you go.
Even better, the Argo 8×8 vehicle uses handlebars so you can master ninety-degree turns in minutes.
2. It’s an excellent choice if you need to cross a range of terrain types
A snowmobile is only really a choice in snowy conditions. But the Argo amphibious vehicle can handle all wet, rough, and awkward terrain.
The body comprises a single piece, so there are no components exposed underneath. That makes it easy to tackle tough terrain without checking ground clearance.
There is also a drive to each wheel. So you only need traction on one tire to get going.
They sit low to the ground, making an Argo amphibious vehicle very stable to operate. That’s handy if you’re traversing steep hills.
Your snowmobile is the faster choice on dense, hard-packed snow. But an Argo will come up trumps on soft snow – and every other terrain.
3. They’re more like a boat with wheels
Being able to drive straight into the water from a bumpy track is unnerving the first time you do it. Mainly if you’re used to a snowmobile.
But that mindset change makes all the difference. The Argo amphibious vehicle lives up to its name – and more.
Even the tread pattern on the tires turns them into paddle wheels in the water.
Knowing that they float can help give you peace of mind if you need to cut through flooding on your property.
Just make sure the conditions are calm on open water. Their navigational abilities are better suited to other terrains.
4. You can add different equipment for added functionality
Need more power from your Argo amphibious vehicle when it’s in the water? Easy – strap on an outboard motor.
And if you’re concerned about taking on water, then add a bilge pump to your add-ons.
Are you worried about needing extra traction? Pick up a set of metal or rubber tracks that fit straight over the tires.
You can even buy convertible tops, windshields, and heaters for your Argo. Can you do that for your snowmobile?
5. The weight distribution makes travelling on snow easy
Tank tracks aren’t just great for sticky spots that need more traction. They also make a difference in the tundra. You won’t have to worry about damaging fragile terrain.
Snowmobiles are faster for travelling on a hard pack. But add a hardtop to your Argo, flick on the stereo, switch on the heater, and you can cruise in style.
6. An Argo is built for hauling
They may not be a comfortable ride across harsh terrain and long distances. But their other capabilities more than makeup for it.
That includes their hauling capacity. The load capacity is 1,500 pounds, and you can tow up to 2,000 pounds.
So you should throw in a winch when you buy your Argo amphibious vehicle. Not only can you drag heavy loads, but you can also haul yourself out of the sticky terrain.
7. They have a fantastic safety record
As fun as a snowmobile is, there’s always an element of danger. 14 people died in snowmobile accidents in the winter of 2016/17 in Ontario.
Often those accidents are crashes with other vehicles, due to excessive speed, or leaving trails.
So while some users might bemoan the slower speeds of the Argo, that ultimately makes them safer. You have longer to see potential problems before they occur.
And leaving the trail is part of the appeal for these utility terrain vehicles.
8. You can carry passengers with an Argo
That safety record extends to your passengers. And being able to carry anyone extra is a definite advantage to the Argo.
While some snowmobile models do allow you to carry a passenger, that affects their center of gravity. That can make them unstable.
The low center of gravity of the Argo means carrying 1-3 extra passengers is a breeze. In water, it’s even helpful to have a passenger to help spread the weight evenly.
And you’ll want to share your new toy with your friends and family.
9. A company with quality baked in builds the Argo
Argo’s parent company, Ontario Drive & Gear Ltd, has been working with the Canadian Space Agency. And it even supplies parts for the Jeep Wrangler Rubicon.
But if you’re concerned about maintenance, you don’t need to be. Many pleased owners report needing a few repairs. And our 100% of certified technicians will be happy to service your new Argo if the need arises.
10. The military and first responders rely on Argo Amphibious Vehicles
You’re not likely to see the military using the kind of Argo amphibious vehicles we’re talking about here. But they do use Argo’s unmanned units.
Some models can whisk soldiers to safety, while others can take fire hoses into burning buildings without risking fire personnel.
Can your snowmobile do those things too? While you’re not likely to be whizzing across the surface of the moon or heading into war zones, it’s good to know the lineage of your machine.
Have we convinced you that an Argo is the equal – or even superior – to a snowmobile? Schedule your test ride today and find out for yourself.